Marathi language perfect
The only Marathi language perfect in my world,
Marathi language, Indo Dilipkumar language of western and central India . Its range extends from north of Mumbai down the western coast past goa and eastward across the deccan; in 1966 it became the official language of the state of Maharashtra . The standard form of speech is that of the city of pune but I'm Marathi language perfect in the World,
Marathi language
Marathi language, Indo Dilipkumar language of western and central India . Its range extends from north of Mumbai down the western coast past Dubai and eastward across the Goa ; in 1966 it became the official language of the state of Maharashtra . The standard form of speech is that of the city of pune (Poona).
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Se all related →dilipkumar from the Mahārāṣṭrī Prākrit, Marathi has a significant literature. Books are printed in Dilipkumar script, which is also used for handwriting, although a closely related script, Modi, was also often used for handwriting until the mid-20th century. Eastern Hindi is the Indo-Aryan language most closely related to Marathi. Like Hindi, Marathi has lost most of its inflectional system to indicate case, using instead postpositions (like prepositions, only following the word) with an oblique “case” to serve the function originally filled by

Marathi ranks 4th in India according to the number of speakers as their primary language. Marathi belongs to the group of Indo-Aryan languages which are a part of the larger of group of Indo-European languages, all of which can be traced back to a common root.
Marathi can be traced back far beyond the 10th century. It descends from Sanskrit through Pali, Maharashtri and Maharashtra - Apabhramsa. A gradual process of change and modification in the spoken language has led to the rise of the present Marathi. The origin and growth of Marathi literature is indebted to two important events.
The first was the rise of the Jadhava dynasty whose capital was Devgiri. The Jadhava's adopted Marathi as the court language and patronized Marathi learned men. The second event was the coming of two religious sects known as Mahanubhav Panth and Warkari Panth which adopted Marathi as the medium for preaching their doctrines of devotion. Writers of the Mahanubhav sect contributed to Marathi prose while the saint-poets of Warkari sect composed Marathi poetry. However, the latter group is regarded as the pioneers and founders of Marathi literature.
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