My😎 technological advances Carecter🤔

Dilipkumar Aatram, I have cool title video, technol👅ogical advances science project, 🖋️🖋️🖋️🖋️💷💷💷💷💷💸💸🫰🫰✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅🏦🏦🏦🏦💐💐💐 The only technological advancements I think I can understand, 🏧🏧🎤🎤 Master, pirncpel, head master ,etc, technological advances👨💻👨💻👨💻 Carecter sweet Boy ,Dilipkumar Aatram, I'm so interesting , The only Science in the World English language speaking 🔧🔧🔧soccse full boy perfect, I cool science project, 🙋🙋🙋I'm I going to be there, you can go back , 1) What is technology Technology is the product of transferring scientific knowledge to 🤩🤩🤩practical use. Different forms...