all in one boy perfect

the real boy faishon stylish look amazing super life better than, The Story Once upon a time, there lived a huge apple tree. There was a little boy who loved to come and play around the tree every day. e used to climb to the treetop, eat the apples, and take naps under its shade. He loved the tree and the tree also loved to play with him. As time went by, the little boy grew up and he would no longer play around the tree every day. One fine day, the boy returned to the tree; he was looking sad. The tree asked the boy to come and play with it. The boy replied that he was no longer a kid and he did not like to play around trees any more. He also mentioned that he wished to buy toys, for which he needed money. The tree apologised and said, “I am sorry…but I do not have any money. However, you can pick out all my apples and sell them so that you can earn some money”. The boy was so excited that he quickly grabbed all the apples hanging from the tree and left merrily. The ...