computer real system

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What is a computer system?

A computer system consists of hardware components that have been carefully chosen so that they work well together and or programs that run in the computer.

The main software component is itself an operating system ) that manages and provides services to other programs that can be run in the computer.

In its most basic form, a computer system is a programmable electronic device that can accept input; store data; and retrieve, process and output information.

Evolution of computer systems

Computers are programmable electronic devices that can process data. To comprehend what a computer system is, it's important to analyze the  development over the years.

Early models

The history of computer systems goes way back to Charles Babbage's differential machines. Despite never being completed, this machine is considered the first example of a computing system.

 It came before the early 20th-century and large computers. The Von Neumann machine and others of its kind were later used as the first massive, monolithic computers in the human world.

The personal computer

The personal computer

The microprocessor revolution of the 1970s and 1980s saw the introduction of also known as desktop computers. The first true home computer that came with a monitor display was released to the public in 1977

At the time, many large organizations used expensive and massive computers. The personal computer employed a computer box as its main piece of , together with peripheral devices such as a mouse and keyboard and computer  that was downloaded into floppy disks.

Operating system

The operating system was initially created to support a complete computer system in a box and to provide users with a common interface for using the software that operated on that hardware. 

Additionally, the actual software components to execute on a specific operating system, such as files, apps and executables, were also introduced. The first IBM PC, officially known as , ran Microsoft's  operating system and had an Intel 8088 processor running at 4.77 MHz.


The laptops emerged as hardware became smaller and more portable over time. The Portal, the first authorized portable , debuted in 1980. It was built using an 8-bit, 2 MHz Intel 8085 processor and was equipped with a 64K byte random access mem

The Cloud

The introduction of the modern in the early 2000s revolutionized software distribution and data storage. The out-of-the-box software strategy was rendered obsolete in the  sector as software was provided digitally through the internet in place of physical media, such as floppy disks and



The concept of hardware and software configurations has recently undergone a radical change thanks to  Instead of using physical hardware, the majority of current computing systems use virtualized computer systems. Through the use of virtualization, a single computer's hardware resources can be split up into several

Components of a computer system

The components of a computer system are typically divided into hardware and software parts, which are both essential in making a computer system functional.

Hardware components

The hardware components include the computer itself; the physical parts inside the computer, such as a and storage devices; and any peripherals attached to the computer.

 These components can be either classified as input devices, such as a mouse or keyboard, or output devices, such as a monitor or a printer. While output devices reflect or display user data, input devices are designed to accept user data


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