👉The perfect boy👈

 The only person Kumar aatram and Kumar aatram perfect for you, 

The Perfect Boy


            Dating prospects have a variety of physical features, mental stimulants, petty attributes, and hidden intentions. Most females go through a series of boyfriends during the course of their lives and are quite familiar with the four major categories of men available on the dating circuit. These four major types are Rough Tough, Next Door, Super Dork, and Freak Boy.

            The Rough Tough guy will always be the first male in the room to catch a girl’s attention. He furnishes good looks and sports a stylish haircut that falls in league with the general trend of society. He is always well-dressed and is aware that he impresses women. Mentally, this Rough Tough guy is not very appealing. Most women’s interests will not match his unless they are into sports, gambling, or beer guzzling. He does not fancy politics or art, and his education is often limited to two years of college or technical school. Rough Tough makes his way straight to the easy money so that he can afford the luxuries he believes he needs in life. 

This leads us into his petty attributes. They are large and range as far as his paycheck will stretch. He owns the latest model car with as many cylinders as he can afford to put in it. His cell phone is always in his possession. Quite often it is more important to him than his physical relationships. If it rings, the girl he is physically talking to will discover that she is the one being put on hold until the conversation on the phone has finished. Rough Tough’s intentions are never hidden. He proudly displays them on the kitchen table, making it blatantly obvious what type of woman a girl is  simply by being with him. Rough Tough is in the relationship simply for the bedroom gymnastics involved . Commitment is the bug spray that will send him away, and he makes sure that a girl is aware of it from the get go. If a girl is interested in this type of man, she must be strong enough to stomach his ego.

            The Next Door guy is the type that doubles as a best friend as well as a love interest. Quite often he simply starts out in the seat next to a girl, but then he slowly warms his way into her heart. He is a clean-cut young man, though he may lack style and confidence. Most of his clothes are ordered on-line from Bugle Boy Products by his mother or given to him as Christmas presents. His education is limited only by his desire to continue it. Generally the Next Door guy can be seen in pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree. In the grand tradition of making his parents proud, he might continue to pursue a Master’s with a minor in music on the side. He favors coffee houses and independent film theaters; however, his petty attributes are limited. The Next Door guy does not normally come from a rich family. The vehicle he drives is often second hand with an air freshener hanging off the rearview mirror and animal pattern chair covers to clash with the box-like exterior

. A cell phone is something that he would not even desire to possess, and to live in excess is not a trait that he displays, although he may splurge on the occasional road trip with his friends. Next Door’s intentions are often pinned on the sleeve of his shirt for the whole world to witness. He forms relationships for the simple beauty of being involved with the girl he considers to be his most cherished friend. If a girl is interested in this type of man, she should be cautious in pursuing his heart: she might just have it far longer than she originally planned. 


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